Princip of integration, which is characteristic for present educational system, is important condition of natural and efficient connection of all parts of systemic educational process. Integration in musical appreciation is mainly concerned to links among particular musical activities and also of its optimal coupling with other activities such as visual arts, drama, literary or motion and physical training. Therefore it is very important to enforce the princip of integration also into university education of future teachers of musical appreciation.
Key words: educational system, music education, key competence, integration, university preparation of teachers.
SOCHOVÁ, L. Creative inspirations from musical activities in concerts for children
PaedDr. Lenka Sochová, adresa: Tehelná 282/9; 094 31 Hanušovce nad Topľou, email:
RADIMCOVÁ, V.;ŠEVČÍKOVÁ,V. Progressive Rock Music and its Possibilities in Music Education
The article concerns actual popular subgenre progressive rock music and the research. The research examines musical preference of secondary school students today, their attitude to progresivity in music nad offers possibilities how to operate with this subgenre in music lessons at secondary schools.
Key words: progressive rock music, popular music, research, music lessons.
Mgr. Veronika Radimcová, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, email:,
Doc. PhDr. Veronika Ševčíková,
Ph.D. , Department of Music Education, Faculty of
Education, University of Ostrava, email: veronikasevcikova